On Memory, Visibility, Impact, And Preservation
March 2021
The Center for Research on North America (CISAN) is a multi- and interdisciplinary research unit of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). MiCISAN is a centralized, open-access digital platform. It requires no subscription, registration, or payment and conforms to the international and national interoperability standards. This platform hosts the CISAN’s institutional memory, currently made up of four collections of items previously published by the center: Books, Notebooks, and the CISAN magazine Voices of Mexico, and Norteamérica, an academic journal.
MiCISAN is the first university repository at UNAM. What is significant is automatic intercommunication with Europe’s OpenAIRE. Mi-CISAN is linked to the Publications Department, forming an interdisciplinary group that directly affects the visibility and impact of research results.
If you are interested in the subject of university repositories, this text can give you an idea about the basic aspects and complexity that permeates the design and development of a repository, in addition to interoperability which is essential for the harvest of international records. - HGS