February 2019
Reda, Julia. "The Text of Article 13 and the EU Copyright Directive Has Just Been Finalised" Julia Reda (13 February 2019)(https://juliareda.eu/2019/02/eu-copyright-final-text/). - The proposed EU Copyright Directive, which most EU nations indicated support of recently and which is nearing a final vote, would dramatically change Internet copyright law through two major provisions: Article 11 and Article 13. Briefly, Article 11 would essentially require search engines and commercial websites to get "press publications" licenses to reproduce anything from news publications other than just a link, while Article 13 would essentially require "online content sharing service providers" to either get licenses to reproduce material or to filter user uploads. It's a bit more complicated than this, but that's the gist. Google's test run shows how Article 11 might change Google News. The likely effect of Article 13 is the implementation of content filtering by social media sites. Regarding the bill, Gus Rossi, Global Policy Director at Public Knowledge, has said: "Web services large and small might decide to implement the directive globally, which would diminish American users' capacity to share memes, political satire, or news articles online. Bad ideas travel fast across the Atlantic, and it’s only a matter of time before the American entertainment industry tries to enshrine these misguided reforms in U.S. law." - CB