July 2020
LaConte, Keliann. "Creativity and Active Learning in Libraries: Variations on 'STEM' in the United Kingdom and Ireland" International Leads 34(2)(June 2020): 17 -19. (http://www.ala.org/rt/sites/ala.org.rt/files/content/intlleads/leadsarchive/202006.pdf). - Libraries must instruct their patrons in the use of library technology, at least at a basic level, for those patrons to be able to use the library. Many libraries go much further by offering sessions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) topics. This survey of libraries in the UK and Ireland found that “[c]oding is the top STEM-rich learning experience offered in libraries across the UK and Ireland.” Survey participants indicated that they would like to have more resources available online that are targeted specifically toward technology instruction in libraries. One of the sources offered is the Science-Technology Activities and Resources Library Network (STAR Net) at www.starnetlibraries.org. Although this article is a brief summary of the survey, the full results are available at “Libraries&STEM Learning: Results from a Survey of Libraries across the UK and Ireland." - NN