Having fewer revenue pressures on its ad business, svp of ad innovation Allison Murphy said her team was able to reshape the New York Times' advertising strategy into the idealized version of itself: pristine, private and user-friendly.
September 2020
What caught my eye about the new strategy is that it relies on “new contextual classifications of content”. These ‘tags’ include the emotions and motivations felt from reading an article. An example of motivation targeting: reading an article about a film festival might result in you seeing advertisements about featured films.
It appears that the New York Times is not the only publication moving away from cookies. Digiday reported that the Washington Post is also doing the same. The third-party cookie is said to power a $100 billion business annually. Safari and Firefox already block such tracking cookies by default, and Chrome will do away by 2022. Still curious? Use Blacklight to inspect if there are any specific user-tracking technologies, including third-party cookies, on any site. Current Cites showed up empty, my library’s website used Google Analytics, and my local news website had 32 ad trackers and 6 third-party cookies. - ELJ