July 2020
Dey, Matthew, Harley Frazis, and Mark A. Loewenstein, et. al."Ability To Work From Home: Evidence From Two Surveys And Implications For The Labor Market In The Covid-19 Pandemic" Monthly Labor Review, U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics (June 2020)(http://doi.org/10.21916/mlr.2020.14). - The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has a fascinating study on what occupations and industries allows work to be done from home, in contrast with what’s happening during this COVID-19 pandemic. As you may have guessed, possibly about 45% of U.S. employees are in occupations where remote or telework work is realistic. However, even with the pandemic, only about 10% were working from home. Perhaps the next time your employer tells you that you cannot work remotely, this report can help you argue that you can telework indeed. - ELJ