We’ve made these instructions to help you create an account for future issues of Current Cites. You can download or print these instructions by selecting the download option on the upper right.
If you are not able to access the site or need technical help of any kind, do not hesitate to contact [email protected].
To contribute annotations (‘Pubs’), you will need an account. You can create an account with PubPub at this link. The account is free. You will need to provide your email address, your name, and create a password.
PubPub collect minimal personal information from you, and their privacy policy is strict.
Please check to make sure you are logged in to the Current Cites community.
The title of the Pub should be the title of the article, book, book chapter, or report you are annotating.
When editing Pub contributors, ensure that your profile shows up, and that the box “List on byline” is checked. Your role is a ‘Contributor’.
Use ZoteroBib to generate a bibliography in Modern Language Association 8 edition. Copy to clipboard, and paste in your newly created Pub. Write your annotation on the following line.
Once completed, click on ‘Request Publication’, then ‘Create Review’!
It will be reviewed by the editor, and published by the end of the month (or the following month).